• Like Giving C.P.R. To A Dummy

    The gospel is the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16 ESV).

    I remember learning C.P.R. and practicing on a mannequin. It was weird but served a ‘life-saving’ purpose. The gospel is like that. It is C.P.R. (Christ’s Power of Redemption) and according to the passage it saves.

    The gospel is the ‘good news’ about Jesus Christ — his life, death and resurrection included. Because of the gospel of Jesus all, having obtained eternal redemption…by means of death…they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance Hebrews 9:12,15.

    So now that you understand the gospel to be C.P.R. who is the dummy?

    I recall Fred Sanford would say to his son, ‘you big dummy’. But in actuality that term is descriptive of us all as it pertains to the gospel. 1 Corinthians 1:18 says teaching about the cross seems foolish to those who are lost but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

    Fred Sanford may not have known how appropriate his phrase fits those who do not receive that spiritual C.P.R.—‘you big dummy‘. Because without the gospel people are in danger of perishing and are in need of life-saving resuscitation.

    When Christ’s Power of Redemption (C.P.R.) brings life to you, you cease being a ‘big dummy‘. That’s why Mark 16:15, 16 says, tell everyone the Good News…Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 

    So the moral of the story is share the gospel because it is just like giving C.P.R. to a ‘Dummy’!

    Thoughts To Consider

    1. You may not like being called a dummy but that is how the Bible describes the lost. In what ways were you a dummy (or foolish) prior to your salvation?
    2. What ways has C.P.R. (Christ’s Power of Redemption) given you life?